I attended UCET this last weekend. I learned more than I had at other conferences over the years. i enjoyed the keynote speakers Dean Shareski(@shareski) and George Corous (@gcouros). Dean talked about how we need to have joy in our teaching. That message needs to get out with the new state testing starting this year. I don;t think it will be that bad. It is just new. New always causes ripples in the comfort level of anyone. Dean also talked about creativity and how we need to expand it in our classrooms. Loved his ideas and thoughts. Thank you Dean.
My biggest ah-ha moment came in the breakout session with George. Blogging with teachers and students. I found this to be mind-opening. I have blogged for a few years about what I have been doing in my class to help me remember what I have done and to reflect on those ideas. Then George had to come and break it wide open. Blogging to help organize what I am doing in my classroom that pertains to the teaching standards I am being held to. Really? Keeping track of all the standards I am evaluated on but the administrator does not see because they only come to my room a couple times a year for an evaluation? Wow. Why would I want to do that? Well I would like to do that because I want to make sure I am doing what I can to give the best teaching to my students. I need to make sure I am keeping in line with the high standards set for me like I expect the students to keep in line with those I set for them.
I find this intriguing. So intriguing that I am starting this blog on edublogs to get my "write" on and stop with just the remembering and reflecting. I want to start keeping track of my thoughts and actions on this blog to show to the world what I am doing. This is not a place for me to brag. Well it kinda is. This is my portfolio. My scrapbook. My resume. My teaching life. This should be a place where I can put down the things I love doing in my class. The things I love thinking about. This will be an opportunity for me to provide my principal with enough information to see what i really do in my class between the times she evaluates me (Even thought she ends up coming around quite often to see what we are doing and enjoy the students).
Thank you George. This will be a great ride. It will also be a great opportunity for me to see what I actually do and make adjustments and changes in my classroom to provide the best education I can for my students. They deserve it.